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The Collapsing Economy

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the global economy, with businesses and industries facing unprecedented challenges. The virus has disrupted supply chains, decreased demand for goods and services, and forced many companies to shut down temporarily or permanently. As a result, many people have lost their jobs, and the global economy is expected to experience a significant recession.


One of the most affected industries is the travel and hospitality sector. The pandemic has led to a sharp decrease in travel, with hotels, airlines, and other travel-related businesses experiencing significant losses. The closure of borders and travel restrictions have also affected international trade, leading to a decrease in exports and imports.


The pandemic has also had a significant impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Many SMEs have had to shut down or reduce their operations due to cash flow problems and decreased demand for their products or services. This has resulted in job losses and decreased economic activity in many regions.


The BPO Industry and the Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry, which provides a wide range of services to clients across various sectors. The industry is one of the largest employers globally, providing jobs to millions of people, particularly in developing countries.


One of the primary effects of the pandemic on the BPO industry has been the disruption of business operations. Many BPO companies had to shift to remote work to comply with social distancing measures, which posed various challenges, such as ensuring data security, providing equipment to employees, and managing productivity. This shift to remote work has also highlighted the need for digital infrastructure and improved connectivity in many countries.


Moreover, the pandemic has led to changes in the demand for BPO services. The travel and hospitality sectors, for instance, have seen a sharp decrease in demand for BPO services, while healthcare and technology sectors have experienced increased demand. BPO companies have had to adapt their service offerings and delivery models to meet changing client needs.


Another significant effect of the pandemic has been the economic impact on BPO companies and their employees. Many BPO companies have had to deal with reduced revenue and profit margins due to decreased demand and increased operational costs associated with remote work. This has led to cost-cutting measures such as layoffs, reduced salaries, and decreased hiring.


OBPO: Growing while Surviving


Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the BPO industry has shown resilience, with many companies adapting to the new normal and implementing measures to ensure business continuity. Companies have invested in digital infrastructure, improved employee training, and expanded service offerings to meet client needs. The industry is expected to continue growing, driven by increased demand for digital services and a shift towards remote work.


OBPO Managed Services was one of those who were greatly affected by the pandemic in the Philippines. With how badly the political and economic state the country was in, OBPO’s CEO Alice Ledesma-Bautista, along with its leaders, decided to change how they viewed the situation. Rather than dwelling on the magnitude of the pandemic, they were able to change their mindset and take it as a challenge to survive and grow at the same time.

Watch the short documentary about how they were able to turn things around and in the process, find a new meaning to outsourcing and its contribution to society.  


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